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Forest Carbon

After browsing online, you may find many news sites and social media feeds abound with commitments to reducing carbon footprints. This begs the question: How do they plan to accomplish this? One tool that corporations use to reduce net emissions is forest carbon.

Companies and government entities emit carbon dioxide as a consequence of their normal business operations, and purchasing credits to compensate for these emissions is growing in popularity.  This compensation is established on a ton-for-ton basis via programs that require commitments to sustainable practices.  A ton of carbon dioxide is roughly the equivalent of driving the average car 2,400 miles or three laps around Lake Erie.  

Forests store carbon through the growth of trees and in tree structures, such as the stem.  Determining how much carbon is being stored requires meticulous measurement of a sample of trees and modeling.  Carbon sequestration storage varies based on species, location, forest composition, local climate conditions, and many other factors.  Carbon measurements necessary for various programs include height and diameter.  Carbon analysis and project estimates require a higher level of precision than required for most forest management inventories.

At Steigerwaldt, our team of highly motivated, detail-oriented foresters are experts in delivering accurate and precise measurements for forest carbon projects.  No matter what weather or terrain, you can rely on us to account for it all.  

For more information, contact us today.

– Mike Raichel, Forest Inventory Manager