Meet Richard Congdon
Meet Richard Congdon, an Assistant Analyst and Real Estate Specialist for Steigerwaldt. Richard is responsible for assisting with stumpage valuations, various forest products analysis, processing inventory and stumpage volumes and values, appraisal report writing, vacant land valuations, and property inspections.
Please provide a professional history introduction (prior and during your time at Steigerwaldt):
- I have a diverse background in the forest products industry spanning from procurement to land management to consulting. I also have experience managing various types of forestland including small woodlots and overseeing daily operations on investment-grade timberlands. After coming to Steigerwaldt, I have transitioned into forest analytics and appraisals.
Why are you passionate about this field?
- I enjoy helping clients with valuing their various assets and helping them understand the valuation process.
How do you serve our clients?
- I aid senior staff in writing appraisal reports, market studies, wood basket availability and feasibility studies, and help set benchmark stumpage pricing for various clients.
Why do you enjoy working at Steigerwaldt?
- I enjoy working at Steigerwaldt because everyone is a team player, all rowing in the same direction, helping clients meet their needs.
Since you’ve worked here, how has the industry changed?
- Since I started here in January 2020, there has not been many significant changes in the industry, but Steigerwaldt has made some significant investments in software and hardware. Those investments have streamlined data collection and tabulation greatly.
What industry changes are you most excited about?
- The investments in technology in the forestry and appraisal industries are very interesting. There are a lot more data solutions and efficiencies that can be realized in the field today instead of tallying data on paper then processing it by hand or in a spreadsheet as we did when I first started in the forest products industry.
What’s your favorite tree and why?
- American Beech. It’s a cool looking tree, in my opinion.
Where do you like to go on vacation?
- Pretty much anywhere in the UP.
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
- Hiking.