Thomas J. Hittle, Steigerwaldt Land Services Forestry and GIS Operations Director, has been elected to lead the Wisconsin Society of American Foresters. Mr. Hittle will act as Chair Elect for 2012 and 2013 before assuming the State Chair position in 2014.
The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in the United States. Founded in 1900 by Gifford Pinchot, it is the largest professional society for foresters in the world. Wisconsin SAF is one of the 33 state and multi-state societies that make up the Society of American Foresters. Members represent all segments of the forestry profession in Wisconsin and include natural resource professionals in public and private settings, researchers, CEOs, administrators, educators, forest technicians, and students.
Mr. Hittle stated: “In my forestry career, I’ve been fortunate to work with an immensely diverse group of forestland owners and professional foresters including foresters from many other parts of the country and landowners as varied as those from small families to the largest industrial, TIMO, and REIT forestland owners. I’ve collaborated closely with federal, state, county, industrial, and private foresters in a number of settings and roles. It’s this background that I would like to build off of as Chair of Wisconsin SAF. I believe that I can be an effective voice for Wisconsin foresters within SAF as well as represent the interests of all parties involved with forest management and the forest industry in the state.”