Tree Identification: Fraser Fir
‘Tis the season! Christmas is just around the corner, and everyone is starting to look for that perfect Christmas tree to brighten the season.
Fraser fir is one of the most popular Christmas tree species and this is just one of the species our tree farm has to offer. Fraser fir, Abies fraseri, is native to small areas in the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina and Tennessee, extending a little south into Virginia and Georgia. In these areas, it commonly grows at elevations between 4,500 feet and 6,900 feet.
It’s cool to think the tree sitting in your living room, would prefer to be living at a much higher elevation. It grows to be about 30-50 feet tall naturally. The main distinguishing feature between a balsam fir, are the bracts on the cone scales of fraser fir. This tree has blue-green needles with a silver underside. It has strong, stiff branching, making it great for decorating. And you can’t beat the fragrant fir smell.
Frasers also tend to hold their needles well, making it a perfect Christmas tree for any home. Happy tree hunting!
– Meagan Backhaus, CF, Assistant Project Forester