Safety at Steigerwaldt: Safe Winter Driving
Happy December, all! Winter is upon us, and soon there will be more snow on the ground and ice across the lakes. As a recap to last month’s post, it is important to be prepared by having the appropriate outdoor gear. It is also important to become aware of your surroundings while driving. This time of year, roadways can become icy, covered in snow, and possibly not passable. It is important to be prepared for hazardous driving conditions and know what to do in slick situations. Some simple things that you can do now before winter is in full force is to:
- Check/purchase new tires- having good tires can help you keep better traction on the road and help improve your gas mileage.
- Check to see if your car has 4 wheel or all-wheel drive as this feature helps you have better traction, provides safety in slippery situations, and can get you out of deeper snow.
- New wipers- with snow, water and salt residue, it is important to have good wipers to keep your windshield clean.
- Windshield washer fluid – check to make sure your car has this fluid and have extra in the trunk as it will help you see when the salt and snow builds up on your windshield.
- Allow yourself extra time for commuting as you may have to drive slower.
- Pack extra layers in your trunk in case an accident or car troubles occur so you can stay warm.
- Keep a full tank of gas in case you are stuck in a storm and there aren’t a lot of gas options around.
With the holiday season approaching, there will be more people than usual on the roads. It is important to practice safe winter driving and allow yourself extra time to travel if necessary. If conditions take a turn for the worse, a simple 30-minute drive can turn into an hour+ drive. Stay safe on the roads by planning ahead, allowing yourself extra time, and being prepared for the unexpected. Also, be aware of snowmobiles and skiers that may be crossing slippery roadways.