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Feasibility Studies in Natural Resource Management

Natural resource management is all about the responsible governance of these invaluable assets, whether minerals, wildlife, forests, or water systems. As with any major initiative, understanding the feasibility of a particular strategy or project in natural resources is paramount. A feasibility study aims to determine the viability and practicality of a project or initiative. It ensures that a proposed initiative can be achieved with existing constraints and lays out the benefits/challenges for stakeholders to consider.

Why are Feasibility Studies Essential in Natural Resource Management?

Economic implications should be determined when a natural resource project is considered. These include job creation, revenue, development potential, and an assessment of potential costs and risk involved. Environmental impacts must also be assessed. Feasibility studies can gauge the potential environmental effects of an initiative, ensuring sustainability and minimal disruption. Societal considerations are always important as well. Studies can help ensure community needs are addressed, local cultures respected, and potential social disruptions understood. Finally, technical assessment often drives the need for feasibility studies in natural resource management.

What are some examples of feasibility studies provided by Steigerwaldt Land Services?

  • Resource Analysis: A common service is the evaluation of past, current, and predicted availability of a particular resource. This might include particular species, size classes, ownership, etc. within a defined area.
  • Carbon Feasibility: Landowners and investors may want help determining the potential for enrolling a property in carbon. This market can be complex, and thorough due-diligence is often necessary.
  • Strategic Investment: In forest industry, large investments such as mills, logging enterprises, processing facilities, etc. require an assessment of challenges and potentials benefits. This might include an analysis of competition, transportation routes, regional markets, or specific resource availability.
  • Technical Evaluation: At times, an initiative may need a detailed analysis of the technology, infrastructure, and expertise required. This could be for the operation of a new or re-opened facility, a new product line, or a new operations outfit.
  • Financial Analysis: This is another common analysis that includes cost estimates, potential revenue, and profitability analysis. These types of evaluations can be extremely important when making decisions about land and land management.
  • Environmental Assessment & Social Impact Analysis: Often we need to study the possible environmental impacts, required mitigations, and long-term sustainability of an initiative. We may also need to understand how the project will affect local communities, their way of life, and potential social challenges.

Feasibility studies, while intensive, provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential impacts, challenges, and benefits of a project. Steigerwaldt Land Services proudly boasts a team of dedicated experts, bringing experience and specialized knowledge to every study we conduct. When you partner with Steigerwaldt Land Services, you’re not just getting a service; you’re gaining a trusted ally in the world of natural resource management. You’re getting quality work fast, with honesty and integrity.

By: Chris King, Analytics & Technology Solutions Manager