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Our Roots:

Rich Congdon has been with Steigerwaldt for two years and currently holds the title of Product Manager.

What are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?
I describe myself as driven, curious, and organized.

Which projects that you have worked on have been the most enjoyable?
Some of the most fun and interesting projects to me are due diligence projects and large timberland appraisals.

What are your biggest accomplishments at Steigerwaldt?
I enjoyed adding new states to our “where we work” map.

What is your favorite Steigerwaldt value and why?
My favorite Steigerwaldt value is accountability. It is a strong indicator of a great working team. 

How do you see this value in action at work?
Our team holds themselves accountable to ensure projects are completed to the highest standards and delivered on time.